Friday 22 October 2010

Standard of finished model

In order to get a better appearance for my head, I create the bump map in Photoshop by desaturating the original image, adjust the brightness of it, and then apply High pass and Gaussian Blur under filter to get the following effects. And then apply the Noise material to get rid off too many details on the face Under the Fractal mode, set size to 0.101 and mix amount of the noise to 100 (or between 80-100).

In order to give some more details for the lips, I brush it in the middle and make it blur, the mouth now looks a bit different with darker gap in between, which actually highlight the lips.

By adding a simple checker pattern as Specular bitmap, change the values of Specular level and glossiness under Material editor, which makes the face look very shiny and smooth, but some areas look too shiny and some not, so I need to make a balance in between.

Clear away this bitmap, as I need to create a specular map in Photoshop and apply it here.

Open the bump map and adjust the image level until I have the following value.

Start to paint the areas that are too shiny and then apply Gaussina blur to it to reduce the brightness. Make sure all the bits of pieces are equally the same brightness and contrast. Keep going back and forward to check the improvements until I am satisfied with it.

Apply it as a specular bitmap in 3d now, which looks much better:

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